(Eliza Database Editor) Creating New Chatbot |
1. Creating New ChatBot 2. Setting ChatBot Information
3. General Reply Database 7. Keyword Search database
The tutorials here
are only very basic introduction. To learn more, there is a button
When you first started the Editor, the screen below will be shown:
After you clicked
Step 1: Just follow the instruction as shown. In this case, I have put "Test" as the file folder name. You can always manually rename the file folder later.
Follow the rest of the steps to create a "Test" folder in your selected location. If you open the Test Folder, you will see the list of newly created files as below:
The ChatBot is the main application file. You may distribute this whole folder anytime. Next you need to specify the location of your newly created folder (The database path) to start editing...
Here you need to select the folder holding your chatbot. The editor will briefly check if it is a valid file folder for chatbot database. Once a valid folder has been selected, all buttons will be enabled for you to do further editing of the database.
If your bot has just been newly created, the recommended next step is to key/update the basic chatbot information.